Saturday, January 3, 2009

Holiday photos

Very cute

The Three Stooges

Adeline really enjoyed her first Christmas.

A little discovery time.

Busting out of her preemie clothes.


Happy New Year!

2008 has been one to remember, 2009 will be one to try and top.  

Since the last post, Adeline has grown into a wonderful and healthy baby girl.  No more, do we look at her and think how fragile she is.  Gone are the times where we pause before picking her up to make sure the pillow, chair, glass of water, bottle and everything else is in its proper place so that nothing goes wrong.  For the past forty days she has been doing what babies are supposed to do, telling mom and dad when she is hungry, when she is messy and when she is happy by making the most joyous grunts.  Pretty cool.

All three of us are learning/growing everyday.  As parents we try to decipher every noise and movement that Adeline makes.  The question that is asked all to often... "Is that gas or hunger pain?".  We (Aimee mostly) are on the same sleep schedule with Adeline (as if there is a choice).  And most importantly, we are learning how to sooth our baby.  We are getting better but know we'll never fully figure it out.

Adeline has the most important job of keep getting bigger and stronger.  Since coming home on almost 30 days ago, Adeline has gained 2 lbs. 2 oz.  At the doctor's on New Years Eve she weighed 6 lbs 9 oz!  Each and every day we note how big she has gotten over the past 24 hours.  It something that is so incredible to witness but also sad knowing she will never be this way again.  We try to put her in preemie clothes (up to 5 lbs.) to reminisce but her belly is literally busting out. 

Our holidays have been wonderful.   On Christmas eve we gathered with family, either in person at the dinner table or by video chat two states away.   Christmas day was by far the most special.  We did nothing but be together all day.  Daisy even got a walk (Christmas comes but once a year).  

New years eve was a true night of celebration.  We invited two families, whom we met in the NICU, for dinner.  We figured that being the 1st time parents of a preemie girl, they would have similar plans as us...a quiet night at home.  We had a lot of  fun catching up, remembering days in the "U", wondering if your daughter did the same as ours.  Before we knew it four hours passed as we sat at the table with babies sleeping all around us and 2009 was here.  It was memorable night. 

Since coming home, we have been moving pretty quickly.  Being parents of a newborn infant and preparing for the upcoming holidays has not left us much time to just hang.  As the decorations are coming down, and Adeline sleeping more and more through the night we can start to settle in.  We may even to try and get out and catch a movie.
Needless to say it has been an incredible month.  

Each day brings new blessings.  We can't wait for tomorrow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A few photos from our first week home.



Every night I look forward to waking up to Adeline.   

A lazy morning of world news, dark coffee and Adeline.  Not a bad way to start the day.  We actually had something to do today in addition to the ever important job of staring at Adeline.  We had visits from both a county nurse and the respiratory therapist.

As a micro preemie, Adeline will be getting all sorts of services if she needs them.  The perk is that they will come to our home to deliver said services.  Today a Milwaukee County/caseworker stopped by for a visit to make sure everything is o.k.  She, like her doctor, was impressed with how well Adeline is doing.  Nothing really notable occured with the visit other than Adeline weighs 4 lbs. 13 oz. (on her scale).  It is nice to know that those services exist for those who really need them.  

Following the county nurse, a respiratory therapist came by to check in on Adeline and her apnea monitor.  Again, its nice to know that there are those out there concerned with her well being.  The therapist gave us some tips about monitor use and reviewed emergency procedures.

If there has been one less then stellar aspect of this first week at home is Adeline's monitor.  It obviously serves a very important purpose and I appreciate what it does for our peace of mind.  But when the thing erupts at 4:30 a.m. to tell us that a lead wire is loose, it is enough to push you over the edge.  I will not miss it when it is gone (probably mid January).

We have had such a fun week as a family.  We could not have asked for anything better.  

Each day brings new blessings.  We can't wait for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 6, 2008- First Day Home

Adeline's first day home has been one of settling in.  There is a lot to learn and a lot of holding to be done.  

We are figuring out some basic systems very quickly in order to feed and care for Adeline in the middle of the night.  How to make up her bottles, how to wash her bottles, where exactly the burp cloths should be located.  Each is very important to figure out to reduce the midnight fumbling.

There is no way of measuring how much better life in the Sheets' household is today as compared to the 85 days previous.  No more, is the thought of wondering how our baby did the previous night, or rushing to get the hospital so we could be the ones feeding her in the morning.  No more, is the unknown of who would be taking care of Adeline that day.  Today, we relaxed, sipping coffee on our own couch, while Adeline slept against against mommy's shoulder.  The way it is meant to be.

The photo was taken minutes before we left the hospital with Adeline.  It will be months before we look that rested again.

There is nothing better we could think of doing this winter...hibernating like bears (without the sleeping part).  We could get used to this.

Each day brings new blessings.  We can't wait for tomorrow.

Friday, November 21, 2008

December 5, 2008- Adeline Comes Home

In the first two months of life, Adeline Durham has inspired us more than we could have ever imagined.  

Adeline was born on September 11, 2008 at 8:18 p.m.  She was born at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb. 5 oz.  She spent the first 86 days of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Columbia St. Mary's hospital in Milwaukee, WI.  Adeline weighed a healthy 4 lbs 7.6 oz when she came home.

Each day of her life was documented and can be found at sitename sweetadeline.  

That was the prologue of Adeline's Incredible Journey 

Now onto Chapter 1: